10-Meter Operations Aids

To support 10-meter operations, we make available 10-meter op aids provided by 10-10 members.

FCC Lookup/Call Search. This applciaiton is a standalone wrapper around the currnet FCC data files.  The program is updated and maintained by N7YG.

A U.S.A. State-to-County Map is available as a service from NG3K.

1010.ZIP  This is the 1010.txt file for the Win1010 software.  Simple download this file, then unzip the contnet into the folder where your WIN1010 program resids and repalce the 1010.txt file that is currnlety there.  This file was last update on 2/18/2023.

TenxLogger.  This applciation is a simple contest logging program designed specifically for the Ten-Ten QSO parties and is being provide to all members.  It replaces all previous vesion of either TenXLogger and 10 QSOLogger.  The program is desiged as a 32 bit executable so that it will run on most flavors of Windows to include Windows 7.  It will also run on most Linux and Mac devices under the WINE emulator..  The softwareis being maintained by our IT Manager, N7YG.


If you prefer the interaction of E-Mail Lists of Interest to 10-10ers, click here for a list of lists related to amateur radio supplied by N9UKX.