Biographies for 2020 Candidates


Gregory Malone, WA3GM, #46927 - Vice President

I am seeking the position of Vice President for the10-10
International Net.

I am currently the Vice President in the ten-ten organization, a position I have held for the past two years, and a former Director.

I attend the Orlando Hamcation every year and work the 10-10 booth and usually Dayton every other year depending on family commitments.

I have been a member of Ten-Ten since 1987 almost 31 years ever since I was licensed. Ten-Ten is and always has been a great organization with friendly people who always made one feel
welcome especially newcomers as they did to me when I first became a ham.

I am a member of many chapters and use to do a lot of Paper Chasing with 10-10 back in the day and made many great acquaintances. I participate in all 10-10 Contest no matter what the mode and enjoy the fun of contesting. I continually promote the use of 10 meters and the 10-10 organization in most of my QSOs in whatever mode I am operating.

I am 66 years of age. I spent 12 years in the PA Army National Guard attaining the rank of SFC and that of acting First Sergeant before my retirement. My early career was spent as a Disc Jockey/Newsman back in the early 1970’s. I then entered the call for Uncle Sam at Ft. Dix, NJ. After the service I spent the next 40 years as a Police Sgt where I served in various departments and units to include Highway Safety, S.W.A.T., Patrol, Detectives and finally retired 4 years ago as the Departments Administrative Staff Sergeant.

If Re-elected as a Vice President I will ensure to uphold the By-Laws of 10-10 International and strive to attain new members as I currently do now.  Thank you for your time and your vote of confidence in me.

w5sumRonnie Hull, W5SUM, #2019 - Vice President

I am seeking the position of Vice president of 10-10. I became a member of 10-10 International in 1971 with number 2019. I am a senior life member. For 49 years I have been an active 10-meter operator. I was a founding member of the Red River Valley Steamboat Chapter. After a few years of inactivity, Mel KD5DE and I refloated the boat and the chapter is still active and growing. I am active on SSB and CW, and look forward to propagation returning so we can begin to see more activity on 10M. 

I have DXCC with 302 Countries confirmed, 203 of them on 10M. I have DXCC on CW and Phone on 10M. I love amateur radio projects, especially homebrew tx’s and rx’s.

If chosen to serve in a leadership role within 10-10, I hope to encourage growth in membership numbers, especially among newly licensed operators, and to continue to promote growth of 10-10 into the coming solar cycle, and to encourage the return of many of our chapters that have gone inactive. As Vice President I will help and assist the President in any manner needed. I will also try to attend at least 4 large hamfests per year and man the 10-10 booth.


N6OPRBob Farrow, N6OPR, #45715 – Director (UNOPPOSED)

I am Robert, (Bob), Farrow, N6OPR, #45715. I am an incumbent Director running for reelection to the 10-10 Board of Directors. I have been a ham since 1986 and received my 10-10 number in 1987. I am a Senior Life
member. I am an active member of 10-10, calling the net on Thursday on 28.380 MHz since 1991. Besides being the net control, I am also the Director of Net Management. I regularly check into the other 10-10 daily
nets. I also run the MLB chapter, as Chapter Head and Certificate Manager calling this net on Sundays. I have attended the last eight bi-annual conventions and several Hill Country Picnics. I can be found operating SSB, PSK31, RTTY, and CW. I participate in most of the 10-10 QSO Parties with my favorite being the 10-10 Sprint. I joined the Board in 2006. As Director I am responsible for the running of the 10-10 Nets. My main responsibility is to ensure that proper net procedures are followed, important 10-10 events are announced during the nets and that all nets are called as scheduled. I have represented 10-10 at various clubs, hamfests and conventions. I would appreciate your support.




wa2suhWA2SUH, Larry Berger, #00407 - Director (UNOPPOSED)

I have been involved with 10-10 for over 50 years and have been one of its biggest supporters. Over the years I have served in the following positions: Second District Manager (1979-1997), Director (1998-2007) and Vice-President (2008-2016). I have been the Scholarship Manager since 2001 and have worked hard to ensure that our scholarships are funded entirely through member donations. As Cycle 25 rises, in addition to checking into the daily 10-10 and chapter nets when we can, we should all try some of the following to ensure the continued health of 10-10: encourage people to get on the band; call and answer CQ’s, in our QSO’s
tactfully let people know about the opportunities that 10-10 affords and plug our website; volunteer to speak about 10-10 at radio club meetings; set up a 10-10 table at hamfests; set a good example as an operator and encourage others to do the same. The digital modes should be attractive to young hams and we can let them know that these can be used to exchange 10-10 numbers I’d like to see an Echolink conference group established and Zoom-type meetings can allow 10-10 members to keep the enthusiasm going when it is not possible to communicate by radio on 10 meters.

I look forward to serving again as a Director, working with our excellent Board of Directors and other committed volunteers.






kd2nomMark Steele, KD2NOM, #77596 - Director (UNOPPOSED)

I am seeking the position of Director. I am a relatively new Ham and joined Ten-Ten the first year I was licensed. I enjoy working digital modes and SSB with a goal of becoming proficient at CW within the next 12 months. Ten meters has fascinated me since I was licensed, and my first antenna was a repurposed 11-meter vertical. I took over as SK Manager last year and have enjoyed working with both the leadership and the volunteers within the organization. I have attended several board meetings and have volunteered my time to help with the Social Media aspects of Ten-Ten. If elected as Director, I will work closely with the Board of Directors, the Volunteers and the Membership to continue leveraging existing avenues of promotion, and to identify new ones, for the benefit of the Ten-Ten organization. In my day job as CIO of a small streaming media company I am focused on improving the customer experience when they come in contact with my team, and I will bring that experience to this position at Ten-Ten International.

Thank you.