
XXAssist Utility


This simple utility will allow a user to search a modified version of the master database for a callsign, a tenten number or by member name.  It will provide you with the members location along with any previous call signs the member has held in the past.  A notes field is also included to allow you to make specific notes for an individual call sign.  Those notes are stored in the local database.


This program was created using Java, therefore you will need to have a current version of the Java Run-time installed on your computer.  The program is also  platform independent allowing it to run on Windows, Linux and Mac.


The data for this program is a small subset of the Master Ten Ten database, updated every 24 hours and can be downloaded from inside the program at the users discretion.


The program is provided in a standard ZIP archive and can be download here.


Windows Installation Instructions:

  1.  Download the program to your local computer.
  2.  Create a folder on your local computer called XXAssist.
  3.  Using your favorite Archive Software, extract the contents of the archive you downloaded to the folder you just created.
  4.  To launch the program, double click the file XXAssist.jar.  If your Java Run-time is correctly installed, the program will run.  If the file association has not been properly set, then you can launch the program using the file XXAssist.bat
  5.  Right click which ever file launch the program and create a desktop short cut.


Linux and Mac Installation Instructions:

  1.  Download the program to your local computer in your /home/Download folder.
  2.  Double click the file XXAssist.zip.  This should launch the defualt archive program.
  3.  Extract the files contents to a folder in your /home folder called XXAssist.
  4.  Open a terminal window in this folder and make the file XXAssist.sh executable  -- (chmod +x XXAssist.sh)
  5.  Create a shortcut on your desktop to the file XXAssist.sh.


Program Icons:

Icon files have also been provided to assign to your launchers.

Windows -- catfish.ico

Linux/Mac -- catfish.png or catfish.svg


To obtain the current Java Run-Time package, Visit the Oracle Website.